Wednesday 17 April 2013

'Peak' times.

I find that certain times of the day are better for me, and I have more energy. For me my 'peak' time is towards the end of the day usually between 5-7 pm. Even though I have been up for the rest of the day I feel like that is when I am at my best. This is usually the time when I will do things like home work as I find that when I have to concentrate a lot on something, that is what wears me out. I think that iris important that you recognise this time for you, maybe you already have and use that time to do things that you know will particularly tired you out. I don't know if anyone else experiences this, let me know in the comments section it would be really interesting to find out!

I would love it if you left comments below telling me about your experiences.Or if you want to ask me anything personally, email me at