Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Emotional tiredness

Emotional tiredness, I find wears me out more than physical tiredness, for example if you watch an 'emotional roller coaster' of a movie. This I find is so draining and is worse because often you will not realise how much it wore you out until the next day when it hits you. So although it is hard try not to get too emotional, this includes worrying about school or getting upset about having CFS, because it is just going to make you worse and is pointless. Ways of  avoiding this is trying not to worry, get upset, cry, watching a movie that makes your upset or scared, or reading a book that makes you upset or scared; for most people, even without CFS they often find that it will wear them out.

I would love it if you left comments below telling me about your experiences.Or if you want to ask me anything personally, email me at ateenwithcfs@gmail.com


Next post: Social tiredness.


  1. Thanks for having this blog! My 17 year old daughter seems to have all of the symptoms of CFS, ( and she also has epilepsy), but I think just knowing someone else out there has similar symptoms with the tiredness, achiness, and headache and sore throat, may help her put into perspective. We still need to find the right medical care, which acknowledges teens with CFS, but all of your tips are helpful. I think half the battle is knowing that you are not alone!

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    2. If she or you ever want to chat to me directly just email me at ateenwithcfs@gmail.com
